Business, Websites, Strategy, Visibility.
Create a strategy that works from day 1.
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Enabling business
Onyx Interweb aligns technology and business. Using technology we enable business acceleration through Web Technology.
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Management Consulting
We focus business development, business processing, digital strategy and more using best practise, digital guidelines.
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Decades of Experience
We have more than 25 years experience in ICT, Media, Retail, Education, Finance, Insurance and Mining.
Our Skills & Expertise
We have over two decades of experience in business development, start-ups, pitch-writing, developing websites and more. We guide you from idea to execution and will advise on which methodology or technology is best suited for the job on hand, even if it means we recommend someone better suited for the job. We build businesses that scale, because your success, means our success.
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Founded in 2010 by Shana Kay, Onyx Interweb has successfully engaged with a variety of types of companies and completed many projects for companies across the multiple industries. In addition, Shana Kay has over two decades of experience across the following industries:
- Technology (Maxxor, Kaskade.Cloud)
- Online Security (IntelliCred)
- Oil and Gas (Energy Africa)
- Media and Publishing (Times Media / Avusa)
- Insurance (Old Mutual)
- Education (Damelin / Intec College)
- Startups (Innovation Hub, TIA, Microsoft BizSpark)
- Retail (CaviBrands)
- Food (Fedics Food Services)
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Time to get started or pivot, get in touch with us.
Whether you are starting out or need a facelift, we can help. Contact us today for a quote.
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